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Game Version: All - 2.1.0 - 2.0.2 - 2.0.1 - 2.0.0 - 1.9.3 - 1.9.2 - 1.9.1 - 1.9.0 - 1.8 - 1.7 - 1.6.3 - 1.6.2 - 1.6.1 - 1.6.0 - 1.5.0b - 1.5.0 - 1.4.2 - 1.4.1 - 1.4.0

Number of Players: 1 2 3 4

Sort by: Score Date Dungeon Level
Showing game version: 2.1.0
1565 entries.


1: titi

Reached level 7 and scored 87 points
Walked the Labyrinth for 116 turns.
Killed 32 monsters and collected 8 gold pieces.
Staff Pieces Found: 0/7

Killed by Combat (Salamander Warrior)
Traits: Blunt Master, Shield Bash, Bounty Hunter, Swiftness, Sturdy, Water Magic, Illusion Magic, Poison Resistance
Rank: Goblin
Hot-seat (4 Players)
Hot-seat (4 Players)
Version 2.1.0

2: Unnamed Hero 2

Reached level 7 and scored 96 points
Walked the Labyrinth for 112 turns.
Killed 25 monsters and collected 18 gold pieces.
Staff Pieces Found: 0/7

Killed by Combat (Salamander Warrior)
Traits: Dragon Slayer, Veteran, Spelunker, Illusion Magic, Spell Weaving, Goddess Of Healing, Dragon Blood, Alchemy
Rank: Goblin
Hot-seat (4 Players)
Hot-seat (4 Players)
Version 2.1.0

3: Unnamed Hero 3

Reached level 4 and scored 35 points
Walked the Labyrinth for 50 turns.
Killed 7 monsters and collected 14 gold pieces.
Staff Pieces Found: 0/7

Killed by Combat (Goblin)
Traits: Step Up, Diehard, Blind Fighting, Precise Shot, Heirloom, Sorcery, Druid Magic, Vampirism
Rank: Jotun
Hot-seat (4 Players)
Hot-seat (4 Players)
Version 2.1.0

4: Unnamed Hero 4

Reached level 3 and scored 24 points
Walked the Labyrinth for 31 turns.
Killed 6 monsters and collected 32 gold pieces.
Staff Pieces Found: 0/7

Killed by Combat (Thief)
Traits: Combat Training, Duelist, Thievery, Precise Shot, Mercenary, Earth Magic, Master Conjurer, Spell Weaving, Goddess Of Wisdom
Rank: Grapplevines
Hot-seat (4 Players)
Hot-seat (4 Players)
Version 2.1.0

5: Unnamed Hero 2

Reached level 5 and scored 63 points
Walked the Labyrinth for 98 turns.
Killed 19 monsters and collected 19 gold pieces.
Staff Pieces Found: 0/7

Killed by Combat (Giant Stag Beetle)
Traits: Dragon Slayer, Veteran, Spelunker, Illusion Magic, Spell Weaving, Goddess Of Healing, Dragon Blood, Alchemy
Rank: Goblin
Hot-seat (4 Players)
Hot-seat (4 Players)
Version 2.1.0

6: titi

Reached level 5 and scored 59 points
Walked the Labyrinth for 94 turns.
Killed 32 monsters and collected 31 gold pieces.
Staff Pieces Found: 0/7

Killed by Combat (Giant Stag Beetle)
Traits: Blunt Master, Shield Bash, Bounty Hunter, Swiftness, Sturdy, Water Magic, Illusion Magic, Poison Resistance
Rank: Jotun
Hot-seat (4 Players)
Hot-seat (4 Players)
Version 2.1.0

7: Unnamed Hero 3

Reached level 5 and scored 37 points
Walked the Labyrinth for 90 turns.
Killed 9 monsters and collected 20 gold pieces.
Staff Pieces Found: 0/7

Killed by Combat (Giant Stag Beetle)
Traits: Step Up, Diehard, Blind Fighting, Precise Shot, Heirloom, Sorcery, Druid Magic, Vampirism
Rank: Jotun
Hot-seat (4 Players)
Hot-seat (4 Players)
Version 2.1.0

8: Unnamed Hero 4

Reached level 2 and scored 12 points
Walked the Labyrinth for 23 turns.
Killed 4 monsters and collected 14 gold pieces.
Staff Pieces Found: 0/7

Killed by Poisoning
Traits: Combat Training, Duelist, Thievery, Precise Shot, Mercenary, Earth Magic, Master Conjurer, Spell Weaving, Goddess Of Wisdom
Giant Rat
Rank: Giant Rat
Hot-seat (4 Players)
Hot-seat (4 Players)
Version 2.1.0

9: titi

Reached level 5 and scored 50 points
Walked the Labyrinth for 106 turns.
Killed 20 monsters and collected 10 gold pieces.
Staff Pieces Found: 0/7

Killed by Combat (Plague Rat)
Traits: Blunt Master, Shield Bash, Bounty Hunter, Swiftness, Sturdy, Water Magic, Illusion Magic, Poison Resistance
Rank: Jotun
Hot-seat (4 Players)
Hot-seat (4 Players)
Version 2.1.0

10: Unnamed Hero 3

Reached level 5 and scored 51 points
Walked the Labyrinth for 87 turns.
Killed 2 monsters and collected 0 gold pieces.
Staff Pieces Found: 0/7

Killed by Combat (Poisonous Grapplevines)
Traits: Step Up, Diehard, Blind Fighting, Precise Shot, Heirloom, Sorcery, Druid Magic, Vampirism
Rank: Jotun
Hot-seat (4 Players)
Hot-seat (4 Players)
Version 2.1.0
