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Game Version: All - 2.1.0 - 2.0.2 - 2.0.1 - 2.0.0 - 1.9.3 - 1.9.2 - 1.9.1 - 1.9.0 - 1.8 - 1.7 - 1.6.3 - 1.6.2 - 1.6.1 - 1.6.0 - 1.5.0b - 1.5.0 - 1.4.2 - 1.4.1 - 1.4.0

Number of Players: 1 2 3 4

Sort by: Score Date Dungeon Level
Showing game version: 2.1.0
1469 entries.


1461th place: Piojo

Reached level 1 and scored 0 points
Walked the Labyrinth for 3 turns.
Killed 0 monsters and collected 0 gold pieces.
Staff Pieces Found: 0/7

Killed by Combat (Wolf Spider)
Traits: Ring Master, Magic Talent, Crystal Mage, Elder Magic, Elemental Mastery, Illusion Magic, Star Magic, Druid Magic, Time Magic, Warlock, High Magic, Witchcraft, Goddess Of Healing, God Of Secrets, God Of Magic, Goddess Of Wisdom, Clumsy, Weak, Poverty, Poison Weakness, Magic Weakness, Cursed, Near Sighted, Dangerous Route, Drunkard, Arachnophobia, Necrophobia, Pride
Giant Maggot
Rank: Giant Maggot
Single Player
Single Player
Version 2.1.0

1462th place: Monk

Reached level 1 and scored 0 points
Walked the Labyrinth for 2 turns.
Killed 0 monsters and collected 0 gold pieces.
Staff Pieces Found: 0/7

Killed by Combat (Poisonous Grapplevines)
Traits: Combat Training, Duelist, Parry, Step Up, Assassinate, Night Vision, Trap Expertise, Martial Arts, Agile, Survivalist, Fast Learner, Hedge Wizard, Dangerous Route
Giant Maggot
Rank: Giant Maggot
Single Player
Single Player
Version 2.1.0

1463th place: Link

Last Words: "woops"

Reached level 1 and scored 0 points
Walked the Labyrinth for 8 turns.
Killed 1 monsters and collected 0 gold pieces.
Staff Pieces Found: 0/7

Killed by Combat (Goblin)
Traits: Thievery, Night Vision, Sling Mastery, Heirloom, Sense Earth, Swimming, Crystal Mage, God Of Magic, Thaumaturgy
Giant Maggot
Rank: Giant Maggot
Single Player
Single Player
Version 2.1.0

1464th place: Sen

Reached level 1 and scored 0 points
Walked the Labyrinth for 9 turns.
Killed 1 monsters and collected 0 gold pieces.
Staff Pieces Found: 0/7

Killed by Combat (Giant Rat)
Traits: Combat Training, Dual Weapon Fighting, Perceptive, Trap Expertise, Agile, Hunter, Lucky, Fast Learner, Wisdom, God Of War, God Of Secrets, Goddess Of Wisdom, Cartography, Herbalism, Gluttony, Poverty, Poison Weakness, No Magic, Pride
Giant Maggot
Rank: Giant Maggot
Single Player
Single Player
Version 2.1.0

1465th place: Munchkin

Last Words: "lol"

Reached level 1 and scored 0 points
Walked the Labyrinth for 15 turns.
Killed 0 monsters and collected 0 gold pieces.
Staff Pieces Found: 0/7

Killed by Combat (Orc)
Traits: Strong, Armour Mastery, Dual Weapon Fighting, Monkey Grip, Step Up, Stealthy, Perceptive, Agile, Lucky, Ring Master, God Of War, Troll Blood, Geniekind, Stupid, Poverty, Poison Weakness, Magic Weakness, Cursed, Dangerous Route, Arachnophobia, Necrophobia
Giant Maggot
Rank: Giant Maggot
Single Player
Single Player
Version 2.1.0

1466th place: Uriant

Reached level 1 and scored 0 points
Walked the Labyrinth for 6 turns.
Killed 0 monsters and collected 0 gold pieces.
Staff Pieces Found: 0/7

Killed by Combat (Goblin)
Traits: Assassinate, Martial Arts, Swiftness, Crystal Mage, Earth Magic, Vampirism, Alchemy
Giant Maggot
Rank: Giant Maggot
Single Player
Single Player
Version 2.1.0

1467th place: Nil Nivlek

Reached level 1 and scored 0 points
Walked the Labyrinth for 31 turns.
Killed 1 monsters and collected 0 gold pieces.
Staff Pieces Found: 0/7

Killed by Combat (Skeleton)
Traits: Armour Mastery, Ring Master, Pack Mule, Magic Talent, Crystal Mage, Elder Magic, Master Conjurer, Free Magic, God Of Magic, Elf Blood, Cartography, Blacksmithing, Stupid, Poverty, Unobservant, Vegetarian, Illiterate, Drunkard, Arachnophobia, Pride
Giant Maggot
Rank: Giant Maggot
Single Player
Single Player
Version 2.1.0

1468th place: Magicaless

Reached level 1 and scored 0 points
Walked the Labyrinth for 8 turns.
Killed 1 monsters and collected 0 gold pieces.
Staff Pieces Found: 0/7

Killed by Combat (Goblin)
Traits: Constitution, Diehard, Lucky, Magic Talent, Sorcery, Mana, Elder Magic, Elemental Mastery, Druid Magic, Time Magic, Spell Weaving, High Magic, Witchcraft, Free Magic, God Of Magic, Elf Blood, Clumsy, Weak, Gluttony, Crippled, Poverty, Poison Weakness, Unobservant, Cursed, Vegetarian, Illiterate, Drunkard, Arachnophobia, Necrophobia
Giant Maggot
Rank: Giant Maggot
Single Player
Single Player
Version 2.1.0

1469th place: Tippy

Last Words: "Ahhhhhh!"

Reached level 1 and scored 0 points
Walked the Labyrinth for 12 turns.
Killed 1 monsters and collected 0 gold pieces.
Staff Pieces Found: 0/7

Killed by Combat (Goblin)
Traits: Lucky, Ring Master, Heirloom, Sense Earth, Sense Monsters, Charisma, Climbing, Swimming, Lore Master
Giant Maggot
Rank: Giant Maggot
Single Player
Single Player
Version 2.1.0
