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Game Version: All - 2.1.0 - 2.0.2 - 2.0.1 - 2.0.0 - 1.9.3 - 1.9.2 - 1.9.1 - 1.9.0 - 1.8 - 1.7 - 1.6.3 - 1.6.2 - 1.6.1 - 1.6.0 - 1.5.0b - 1.5.0 - 1.4.2 - 1.4.1 - 1.4.0

Number of Players: 1 2 3 4

Sort by: Score Date Dungeon Level
Showing game version: 2.1.0
1469 entries.


1461: Ben

Last Words: "again"

Reached level 2 and scored 19 points
Walked the Labyrinth for 61 turns.
Killed 14 monsters and collected 1 gold pieces.
Staff Pieces Found: 0/7

Killed by Drain Life (Goblin Shaman)
Traits: Axe Master, Diehard, Stealthy, Martial Arts, Shadowdancer, Charisma, Goddess Of Healing, Blessed, Elf Blood
Rank: Grapplevines
Single Player
Single Player
Version 2.1.0

1462: Ben

Last Words: "Noooo"

Reached level 1 and scored 6 points
Walked the Labyrinth for 37 turns.
Killed 11 monsters and collected 13 gold pieces.
Staff Pieces Found: 0/7

Killed by Combat (Goblin)
Traits: Strong, Assassinate, Stealthy, Bounty Hunter, Climbing, Crystal Mage, Visions, Herbalism
Rank: Beetle
Single Player
Single Player
Version 2.1.0

1463: Ben

Last Words: "Too bad"

Reached level 2 and scored 26 points
Walked the Labyrinth for 120 turns.
Killed 28 monsters and collected 32 gold pieces.
Staff Pieces Found: 0/7

Killed by Combat (Giant Rat)
Traits: Strong, Assassinate, Stealthy, Bounty Hunter, Climbing, Crystal Mage, Visions, Herbalism
Rank: Grapplevines
Single Player
Single Player
Version 2.1.0

1464: Ben

Last Words: "Ney"

Reached level 1 and scored 4 points
Walked the Labyrinth for 45 turns.
Killed 9 monsters and collected 0 gold pieces.
Staff Pieces Found: 0/7

Killed by Combat (Giant Slug)
Traits: Dragon Slayer, Blind Fighting, Ghost Hunter, Free Magic, Mystic, Elf Blood, Merchant
Rank: Beetle
Single Player
Single Player
Version 2.1.0

1465: Santiago

Reached level 6 and scored 137 points
Walked the Labyrinth for 452 turns.
Killed 116 monsters and collected 119 gold pieces.
Staff Pieces Found: 0/7

Killed by Combat (Giant Cobra)
Traits: Strong, Constitution, Armour Mastery, Parry, Night Vision, Perceptive, Hunter, Fast Learner, Climbing, Herbalism, Hedge Wizard
Skeleton Warrior
Rank: Skeleton Warrior
Single Player
Single Player
Version 2.1.0

1466: Santiago

Reached level 7 and scored 140 points
Walked the Labyrinth for 550 turns.
Killed 151 monsters and collected 175 gold pieces.
Staff Pieces Found: 0/7

Killed by Combat (Giant Hornet)
Traits: Strong, Constitution, Armour Mastery, Parry, Night Vision, Perceptive, Hunter, Fast Learner, Climbing, Herbalism, Hedge Wizard
Skeleton Warrior
Rank: Skeleton Warrior
Single Player
Single Player
Version 2.1.0

1467: Santiago

Reached level 5 and scored 106 points
Walked the Labyrinth for 284 turns.
Killed 83 monsters and collected 28 gold pieces.
Staff Pieces Found: 0/7

Killed by Fire Breath (Magma Lizard)
Traits: Strong, Constitution, Armour Mastery, Parry, Night Vision, Perceptive, Hunter, Fast Learner, Climbing, Herbalism, Hedge Wizard
Skeleton Warrior
Rank: Skeleton Warrior
Single Player
Single Player
Version 2.1.0

1468: Zara

Reached level 17 and scored 454 points
Walked the Labyrinth for 1163 turns.
Killed 377 monsters and collected 104 gold pieces.
Staff Pieces Found: 1/7

Killed by Petrify (Lamia)
Traits: Strong, Combat Training, Constitution, Bloodlust, Whirlwind Attack, Night Vision, Blind Fighting, Martial Arts, Sturdy, Goddess Of Healing, Blessed, Magic Resistance, Poison Resistance, Troll Blood, Geniekind, Stupid, Poverty, Near Sighted, No Magic, Illiterate, Outcast, One Eyed
Orc Veteran
Rank: Orc Veteran
Single Player
Single Player
Version 2.1.0

1469: Zara

Reached level 11 and scored 252 points
Walked the Labyrinth for 416 turns.
Killed 220 monsters and collected 54 gold pieces.
Staff Pieces Found: 0/7

Killed by Rock Throw (TwoHeaded Ogre)
Traits: Strong, Combat Training, Constitution, Bloodlust, Whirlwind Attack, Night Vision, Blind Fighting, Martial Arts, Sturdy, Goddess Of Healing, Blessed, Magic Resistance, Poison Resistance, Troll Blood, Geniekind, Stupid, Poverty, Near Sighted, No Magic, Illiterate, Outcast, One Eyed
Rank: Orc
Single Player
Single Player
Version 2.1.0
