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Game Version: All - 2.1.0 - 2.0.2 - 2.0.1 - 2.0.0 - 1.9.3 - 1.9.2 - 1.9.1 - 1.9.0 - 1.8 - 1.7 - 1.6.3 - 1.6.2 - 1.6.1 - 1.6.0 - 1.5.0b - 1.5.0 - 1.4.2 - 1.4.1 - 1.4.0

Number of Players: 1 2 3 4

Sort by: Score Date Dungeon Level
Showing game version: 2.1.0
1182 entries.


Level 14: Sen 33

Reached level 14 and scored 504 points
Walked the Labyrinth for 789 turns.
Killed 323 monsters and collected 1043 gold pieces.
Staff Pieces Found: 1/7

Killed by Insect Swarm
Traits: Strong, Armour Mastery, Night Vision, Perceptive, Blind Fighting, Archery, Agile, Hunter, Precise Shot, Arcane Shot, Ring Master, Fast Learner, Mercenary, Elder Magic, Cartography, Gluttony, Poverty, Poison Weakness, Illiterate, Hedge Wizard, Arachnophobia
Rank: Ogre
Single Player
Single Player
Version 2.1.0

Level 14: Heimdall

Reached level 14 and scored 439 points
Walked the Labyrinth for 640 turns.
Killed 170 monsters and collected 179 gold pieces.
Staff Pieces Found: 1/7

Killed by Insect Swarm
Traits: Strong, Combat Expertise, Armour Mastery, Shield Mastery, Monkey Grip, Parry, Second Wind, Dragon Slayer, Trap Expertise, Blind Fighting, Lucky, Ring Master, Spelunker, Blacksmithing, No Magic, Illiterate, Pride
Rank: Ghoul
Single Player
Single Player
Version 2.1.0

Level 14: Hermesa

Reached level 14 and scored 533 points
Walked the Labyrinth for 705 turns.
Killed 207 monsters and collected 284 gold pieces.
Staff Pieces Found: 1/7

Killed by Combat (Invisible Suffocator)
Traits: Strong, Armour Mastery, Whirlwind Attack, Sword Master, Treasure Hunter, Lucky, Sturdy, Ring Master, Heirloom, Sense Monsters, Climbing, Swimming, Lore Master, Thaumaturgy, Clumsy, Poison Weakness, Magic Weakness, No Magic
Rank: Ogre
Single Player
Single Player
Version 2.1.0

Level 14: bvg

Reached level 14 and scored 476 points
Walked the Labyrinth for 1599 turns.
Killed 596 monsters and collected 389 gold pieces.
Staff Pieces Found: 1/7

Killed by Poison Breath (Death Ooze)
Traits: Strong, Combat Training, Constitution, Combat Expertise, Armour Mastery, Sword Master, Shield Mastery, Parry, Second Wind, Survivalist, Swimming, God Of War, No Magic, Illiterate
Orc Veteran
Rank: Orc Veteran
Single Player
Single Player
Version 2.1.0

Level 14: Hermesa

Reached level 14 and scored 542 points
Walked the Labyrinth for 945 turns.
Killed 276 monsters and collected 480 gold pieces.
Staff Pieces Found: 1/7

Killed by Poisoning
Traits: Strong, Armour Mastery, Whirlwind Attack, Sword Master, Treasure Hunter, Lucky, Sturdy, Ring Master, Heirloom, Sense Monsters, Climbing, Swimming, Lore Master, Thaumaturgy, Clumsy, Poison Weakness, Magic Weakness, No Magic
Rank: Ogre
Single Player
Single Player
Version 2.1.0

Level 14: rogue

Last Words: "p"

Reached level 14 and scored 431 points
Walked the Labyrinth for 376 turns.
Killed 181 monsters and collected 326 gold pieces.
Staff Pieces Found: 1/7

Killed by Combat (Shadow Imp)
Traits: Strong, Combat Training, Constitution, Berserk, Duelist, Whirlwind Attack, Agile, Lucky, Sturdy, Fast Learner, Wisdom, Troll Blood, Cartography, Gluttony, No Magic, Illiterate, Drunkard, Arachnophobia, Pride
Rank: Ghoul
Single Player
Single Player
Version 2.1.0

Level 14: Ferret

Reached level 14 and scored 550 points
Walked the Labyrinth for 923 turns.
Killed 337 monsters and collected 478 gold pieces.
Staff Pieces Found: 1/7

Killed by Combat (Ogre)
Traits: Combat Training, Dodge, Bounty Hunter, Martial Arts, Agile, Hunter, Lucky, Ring Master, Lore Master, Wisdom, God Of War, Poverty, No Magic
Rank: Ogre
Single Player
Single Player
Version 2.1.0

Level 13: argon

Last Words: "how many hits in one session"

Reached level 13 and scored 279 points
Walked the Labyrinth for 783 turns.
Killed 288 monsters and collected 88 gold pieces.
Staff Pieces Found: 0/7

Killed by Cosmic Blast (Arch Mage)
Traits: Strong, Duelist, Dual Weapon Fighting, Sword Master, Dodge, Monkey Grip, Sturdy, Survivalist, Blessed, Dragon Blood, No Magic
Rank: Orc
Single Player
Single Player
Version 2.1.0

Level 13: Ci

Last Words: "whatever"

Reached level 13 and scored 397 points
Walked the Labyrinth for 930 turns.
Killed 389 monsters and collected 262 gold pieces.
Staff Pieces Found: 0/7

Killed by Poison Cloud
Traits: Combat Training, Constitution, Duelist, Dual Weapon Fighting, Sword Master, Dodge, Perceptive, Agile, Survivalist, Pack Mule, Visions, No Magic, Arachnophobia
Rank: Quasit
Single Player
Single Player
Version 2.1.0

Level 13: Crow

Last Words: "12"

Reached level 13 and scored 336 points
Walked the Labyrinth for 967 turns.
Killed 310 monsters and collected 282 gold pieces.
Staff Pieces Found: 0/7

Killed by Fire Breath (Mimic)
Traits: Bloodlust, Combat Expertise, Armour Mastery, Shield Mastery, Monkey Grip, Parry, Dragon Slayer, Trap Expertise, Blind Fighting, Lucky, Sturdy, Spelunker, Goddess Of Healing, Blacksmithing, No Magic, Illiterate, Arachnophobia, Pride
Rank: Brigand
Single Player
Single Player
Version 2.1.0
